Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Summer Time

Summer is in full swing and we have been enjoying being outdoors! Lots of playground time, water parks, Conner Prairie, Zoo, bike rides, cookouts and summer evening concerts as a family! Evan is 20 months old now and his favorite word is Oval!! He points out everything that is oval shaped that he sees throughout our day. I love it! I have never been so aware of the shapes around us. He is so bright.

He had his first stitches on his forehead from a fall on the front porch. It's an unstable time for him right now as he's still learning what all his legs can do. All is well though and he's healing great! And we are keeping a good watch over him so hopefully we don't have that happen again!

He enjoys helping with small chores around the house and really likes to water the potted plants outside and play in the hose. Mostly because he likes to spray mommy!! He still loves the vacuum cleaner and playing in our cars in the garage. His newest thing is his helmet and four wheeler! He loves wearing his helmet so much he doesn't want to take it off!

We are having fun in the sun but school is starting in just 4 weeks and Evan will be going to preschool one day a week at the Children's Learning Program. This is a faith based preschool that encourages growth and independence while having fun playing, having music, arts and crafts, and story time! We are excited to meet Evan's teacher Helen and have a successful school year.

Until then more summer fun!!:)


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A reminder

This past weekend I had the pleasure of talking with a lady who follows our blog and she told me how inspirational it has been to her and a family member that struggled with infertility. They recently got pregnant with twins! I just love these stories!

It was a a great reminder to me as to why this blog or journey started. It has been a pleasure to share our journey to parenthood and the joys along the way and I am thankful that it has touched others. Battling infertility can be lonely and difficult to talk about. I am often asked if we will have another child. I'm never really sure how to respond. I am reminded of the years of trying and failing and the pressure that is put on us and then the miracle of Evan. If I have learned anything along this journey it is that the creation of life is best left to God's work rather than mine. His timing and plan is always better than my own and I plan to get out of my own way and let Him work. So I don't really know how to answer that question about will we have another baby. I feel grateful for the one I have already been given and my heart is full. If God chooses to bless us again well we would be honored and overjoyed! 

This year is flying by already. Since my last post we have celebrated Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day and kicked off the Easter festivities! The weather is warming and we have hit the parks and Evan is showing off his new tricks on the playground equipment. His new favorite phrase is Uh oh!!! He loves to tip his hat to the ladies when we go out. Lol!! It's always sure to get lots of attention and reactions from folks! He loves that. 

We are having a ball watching him grow and do new things everyday!